Police Department

Phone: (906) 346-9224

For All Emergencies Call 9-1-1

If you are unable to get in contact with an officer please contact (906) 475-9912 Central Dispatch non-emergency to have the on duty officer contact you.

The Forsyth Township Police Department has dedicated itself towards decreasing the crime and accident rate for its residents, guests, and businesses. As a police department, the officers are dedicated to the highest degree of professionalism and police services. The goals of the police department would not be attainable if it wasn't for the hard working and dedicated men and women of our police department along with the members of the community that assist in making the entire community a better place to live and work.

All police officers are required to be certified by M.C.O.L.E.S. (Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards). After certification, officers must maintain a high degree continuing education to improve the services to the community. It is the belief of the department that more training and education an officer can receive, and given the correct tools, the better the officer will perform in the field.  We are continually striving  to build a stronger foundation for a community that we can all be proud to be a part of, now and for the future.


Mission Statement

The Mission of the Forsyth Township Police Department is to strive for professionalism while enhancing the quality of life within the community we serve. We aim to strengthen the relationship between the department and the partnership with the community. The intention of the department is to safeguard life and property while upholding the constitutional rights of our citizens.

The Forsyth Township Police Department pledges to fight crime by utilizing proactive patrol techniques, new technology, and continuing education of our officers while aggressively pursuing violators of the law. Our officers will maintain a higher standard of integrity while in pursuit of fairly and impartially fulfilling their duties.

Vision Statement

The Forsyth Township Police Department aims for a safer tomorrow; to accomplish this goal we pledge to utilize and adapt new and advanced techniques and technology to safeguard our community. We will only seek the highest standards in our officers. Our officers will take pride in the community they serve.

The Forsyth Township Police Department will collaborate with citizens so that we may improve and address areas of concern within the community. With the help of the community, the department will continually improve our community for a better and safer tomorrow.

The Forsyth Township Police Department will capitalize on our strengths as a diverse community and work force to make this vision a reality.

Forsyth Township